你有沒有注意過你的眉毛?? 如果 有一天 眉毛不見了 怎麼辦? Eleanor不覺得她的眉毛能做什麼? 鼻子可以用來挖鼻屎 那眉毛呢??

嗚~Eleanor的兩道眉毛離家出走了 然後呢?

What would you do if your eyebrows disappeared? Would you notice? Would you care? When Eleanor's eyebrows disappear, she doesn't care one bit. After all what's the point of eyebrows - they're just two silly, scruffy, hairy little bits of fluff! This hilarious and surreal book follows the eyebrows' adventures as extra legs for an ant pretending to be a spider, a twirly moustache for a magician and a furry exclamation mark.

eyebrow1aeyebrow1eyebrow 2  

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